Welcome to the City of Alma, Michigan
Update Regarding Meter Installation Scheduling
Press Release (PDF)
Below are the lists of addresses who should have received a letter from Ferguson to set up their appointments. Ferguson is sending out the 1st Notice letters in batches so please be patient.
Thank you.
Download a File:
1st Notice mailed 11-15-24 (PDF)
Election Information
For news, information and forms pertaining to elections and voting in the City, please visit our Elections page.
In the Middle of Everything!
That's Alma. The wonder and beauty of the great State of Michigan is easily accessible from Alma. We are located where M46 and US127 come together in the middle of the state. Alma’s a great place to live and raise a family. We are proud of our quaint, walkable downtown that continues to improve with new restaurants, shops and apartments. Being the home of the Alma College Scots, we provide opportunities for the arts and culture that rival much larger cities. Come and see how nice it can be to be living in the #inthemiddleofeverything #almami
City Services Made Easier
Alma residents have many ways they can transact business with the City, either online or by phone. Our At- Home City Services mean you can get your City business handled without ever leaving your house!
Alma Community Calendar
GoGratiot is a community calendar hosted by the Gratiot Chamber of Commerce, promoting a range of events—academic, athletic, civic, cultural, educational, and recreational—for Alma and nearby towns. To view the monthly calendar, visit our website http://gogratiot.com/ or our Facebook page for daily updates. To submit events, email [email protected]. Note that GoGratiot may edit or exclude listings and holds no liability for damages from incorrect postings.

Pine Avenue Closure for Reconstruction
Pine Avenue will be closed from Washington Avenue to Panther Parkway starting March 3, 2025, for scheduled improvements which include road surface reconstruction as well as utility upgrades and improvements. We appreciate your cooperation during this process and understand this will be an inconvenience as the construction progresses. The duration of the project is expected to last through the summer of 2025 with an anticipated traffic opening date possibly in late August 2025. Businesses along this route including the assisted living facility (Arbor Grove), as well as the doctor’s offices (Alma Family Practice and Alma Optics) along this route will remain open throughout the duration of the project, although access may be limited at times and the direction from which you enter may be altered at times as underground utilities are being placed. We thank the community and residents for their support and share in the excitement for the new utilities and road surface that will benefit our community for decades to come!
Upcoming Events and Meetings
Feb. 3, 2025: Planning Commission Mtg., Alma Municipal Bldg., 6:00 p.m.
Feb. 11, 2025: City Commission Mtg., Alma Municipal Bldg., 6:00 p.m.*
Feb. 25, 2025: City Commission Mtg., Alma Municipal Bldg., 6:00 p.m.*
Feb. 26, 2025: Downtown Dev. Authority Mtg., Alma Municipal Bldg., 6:00 p.m.
*Agendas for Alma City Commission meetings will be available the Friday before the meeting on the City Commission page.
Meetings are open to the public. All interested parties are invited to attend.
City of Alma YouTube
You can watch many City of Alma boards and commission meetings on our You Tube page. Access the page by clicking YouTube. Most meetings are either live or posted within 24 hours.
City of Alma Drop Box Locations
Need to pay taxes or a utility bill? Drop off a permit? Return your ballot or other election mail? The City has two drop box locations for your convenience.
1. Drive up drop box located at the Alma Public Library. No need to get out of your car. The box is 1 of 3 located in the library drive - the box is clearly labeled for the City of Alma. Please be sure you are dropping payments and important documents in the box for the City - not in the book return!
2. Silver drop box located just outside the west doors of the Municipal Building next to the mailbox.
3. A new drop box has been added outside the west doors of the Municipal Building for absentee ballots, applications, or other election mail only, and will be accessible during the 40 days prior to each election.